The Umbrella Thorn Acacia 

The Umbrella Thorn is a tree that is native to most of Africa. It’s scientific name is vachellia tortilis. Growing up to 69 feet it’s ‘umbrella’ top can spread 26-42 feet. Their small leaves don’t get much sun. They evolved to have a wide spreading top to make up for their small leaves. They have two types of thorns. One has a straight tip and the other one is curved. The umbrella thorn also produces pod like fruits which are eaten by many native animals. It also has a feather like flower.

For a bit now we have been working on a biome project. The assessment is to build a website and a diorama, about the biome we got. Me and my partner Maddy got Savanah. One of the plants I wrote about for the website was the Umbrella Thorn.



What animals depend on the umbrella thorn?

Who named the umbrella thorn?

Does the top the umbrella thorn kill other plants below it by overshadowing them?


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