Hot air balloon project

This week in science class we started a new project to design and create a functioning model of a hot air balloon. The twist is that all the supplies cost a certain amount of money and we are on a budget. For example plastic bag costs $500 and a paper cup cost $300. Also instead or having the air to be heated in a burner, or even with a candle the hot air will be coming from below. This is to prevent obvious fire hazards.

I am in a group with with Mosie and Harrison. We are trying to create a light design. One that opens the bottom of the envelope more then a traditional hot air balloon to catch more of the air. We want it not only to float to using hat air but also somewhat like a sail. The bottom will have two dowels in a X shape connected to the balloon with hot glue. our last step is to ad a tiny aluminum foil basket at the dowels because it requires a basket. We were going to attach it with wire. Instead we chose hot glue because it was cheaper and more secure.


How much is the budget?

Have you tried this project before?

Have the hot air balloons actually floated before?

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